I tore a hole in my right kneecap in 1977 at 17 years old...twisting wrong doing some sort of lunge in a competitive marching band (at practice). I was out of shape and over weight. My parents have/had no records and they are now deceased. I received no therapy except to walk up and down stairs and do weight training in school. Thinking back, the trainers/PE teachers just let me go. I have never had full range in that knee, have babied it greatly over the years, walk with a slight gait, have limited flexibility in my hips too. I have exercised in gyms and out of gyms; I walk, I can t bend my knee enough to bike. I ve had an active normal life with limitations. I just want to know the name of what I might have done before asking a doctor to take a look and see what might need done. Maybe nothing, but as I get older, I don t know.