I don t really know how to explain my situation but I ll try my very best ,I have m.s ,fms,ra,Psorisis, psoratic arthritis, degenerated spine ,n alot of other health issues.I woke up n was hurting really bad on the side of my tail bone n lower back ,but I didn t check it out just got up n tryed to stay on my feet cause it hurt to sit down but my lower back got worse n worse n unbearable. Well I had to lay down cause I was done in severe pain so unbareable anyways I felt down my lower spine to my tail bone n this what I found out my lower back is swollen n between my lower back spine n my tail bone is a Knott (hard) on the edge of the spine .idk what it is or could be but its about a half inch n size or a little bigger n really hurts bad .thank you for your time. Ginger south