Thanks for contacting with your health concern
1. As your age can't be deduced from the history, and also since the symptoms are chronic thus following is my opinion [as I'm unable to examine you directly]:
i. It could be because of an infection,
cyst, so in the best interest, it is wise to consult a gynecologist for a
Mammogram [to examine the breast for diagnosis and screening.
PS. As a rule of thumb: after the age of 35 years self-breast examination every month and if one notice any lump, discharge or skin change, it should be reported immediately.
2. Carcinoma of the breast if detected early is completely curable, particularly in postmenopausal women, a breast lump is to be considered malignant [unless proved otherwise] and if it comes normally only thereafter lifestyle changes, alternative medicines, and medications [HRT], can be discussed.