I have a few concerns that have lead me to this paranoia. One being that I have a reoccurring bump that appears in the same spot each time on my penis. The bump is small and white, almost like a pimple. It has no irritation and there are no bumps in my recent memory that have occurred in any other place on or near my genitalia. Another concern being that there have been several occasions where I have had painful urination, but these episodes were always after masturbation and I don t recall if it has ever happened after sexual intercourse. Each time it has happened I had to pee previous to ejaculation. The last concern is of a large area under the head of my penis that has become pink in color and irritated. It itches and burns to the touch. Now, anytime I masturbate it s with a dry hand and never with any lubricant which leads to me rubbing the skin raw. I have done this previous to the appearance of this irritated patch of skin. Each time the rash if you will, scabs over it doesnt seem to heal. I could get an erection and the scabs would break or i could bathe and the scabs would peal away revealing the same pink, irritation as before. The reason Ive come here with my concerns is because I have no type of insurance to pay for any hospital visit and I m slightly embarrassed about the whole thing. Please help.