For several months now, I ve had, for lack of a better term, a spot on the right upper inside part of my calf. The spot is roundish/oval in shape, and has about a 1-2 inch diameter (it is not perfectly round). Sometimes the spot looks like a faint bruise, but daily it turns red, and becomes raised. When it s raised, it looks similar to a hive, but it does not itch. The spot is always in the same area, and has lasted several months (since at lease April 2016). I have noticed that it turns red and becomes raised after I shower, but I haven t been able to pinpoint if there are other things that cause it to turn red and raise. It is not warm to the touch (that s to say it s not warmer than the rest of my leg), and it is not painful. Any idea what it may be, or what is causing it? I ve searched the internet high and low and can t find any answers. Thanks!!