A couple days ago, I noticed a very small sore on my upper thigh. I dismissed it as a bug bite or something ordinary. The next day (which was yesterday), I noticed that it had gotten bigger overnight and it was painful. I thought since it had grown in size, it might be a fungal infection, since I had one earlier this year on my face and it looked a little similar. So yesterday evening before bed, I put on some of the cream I used for my fungal infection. This morning, the sore didn t seem to be much bigger, if at all, but it seemed to kind of be scabbing over, which I took as a good sign. It still hurts, but I figured it would heal in awhile. This evening, while I was undressing, I saw two more of those sores on my bikini line. They seemed to have puss and when I dabbed a tissue on them, it sure enough came away wet. Next to one of them was a very small blister bubble. These two new ones also hurt like the first one. They multiplied in the span of a day. I m worried - any ideas on what it could be?