hi, I had a pyeloplasty on my right kidney in 1964 I am 71 years of age and have suffered with kidney stones in my left kidney for many years, in the last 2 weeks I have been experiencing the same symptoms in my right kidney as I did before the pyeloplasty , I keep very fit as I also have type 2 diabetes I play golf 4 times a week although I have not been able to play because of the discomfort on my right side, also sleeping is difficult as when I turn onto my right side I wake up it is also sore when I walk.i have been told that it may be a stone in the kidney by my consultant and a scan is being arranged,i am not sure about the stone as I have had several in the past and am aware of the symptoms etc, I asked the consultant if it could be a puj again but was told that if it was they could do nothing with it only prescribe pain killers. is it possible to correct a puj after a previous pyeloplasty?i am worried that my diabetes will suffer with not being able to carry on with my excercise etc.