I read your message carefully and I understand your concern.
You are reporting that during a conversation, you suddenly got confused, then ringing in the ears and everything went black. These symptoms were followed by an intense feeling of
nausea. Noise in the ear changed gradually until disappeared and since then you feel exhausted. You have a family history (father) for
You would be surprised how many diseases can cause this scenario. I will mention to you the most common ones include
ear infection, Meniere's disease, cardiovascular diseases, or even exposure to very loud noise can cause you that.
These symptoms can be as well early symptoms of epilepsy as well. The fact that you have a family history makes you to have a bigger chance for epilepsy than other people.
At this point, I recommend to consult with your doctor to get further tests:
- neurological examination
- ENT examination
- cardiac check up
in order to determine the right cause and proper treatment strategy.
Hope it helped.