Hi Doctor.... My mother is suffering from jaundice... She is 60 yrs old. On 23rd October her serum Bilirubin was 3.9 mg/dl & SGPT was 948 IU/Lt. She has been prescribed udliv 300 twice daily & duphalac syrup once daily. On 9th November, she was again tested & lft was done. Her Bilirubin was 2.99 mg/dl, SGPT 158, SGOT 80, ALKALINE PHOSPHATE 175 IU/L, TOTAL PROTEIN 7.9 GM/DL, ALBUMIN 4.2 gm/dl, globulin 3.7 gm/dl. On 25 th November, her urine & eyes are still yellowish ( although lighter yellow than before). Plz suggest how much time it will take to be normal? Thank you.