Thanks for contacting HCM for health query,
First I am happy to answer to a lady who is so much health conscious.
I also go in hand with you for the red stool and red urine which can occur with high intake of beets.
You have reduced your
gluten and diary supplements in the diet..
You want some more tips on diet ,great .
Madam you are a urban female restrict your calories to 2100 for a day.
Too much of protein not good so count on it also 1gm/kg body weight..
Regarding fat ,restrict fat so that it gives only 20%of energy.
Beware of hidden fat.
You are a healthy female we do not have a restriction on fruits and veggies..
I hope you know the colour concept in veggies ,fruits and that is a great idea where all vegetables and fruits are colour classified..
Detailed note you should get in net..
Mam hope our guidance helps you..
Take care..