History: 55 yo female. Blood in urine July 2011 (Gross hematuria).No other symptoms (no frequent urination, no pain, no weight loss etc.)After consults with GP/CT Scan/referral to urologist (scoped) -confirmed presence of bladder tumor. TURBT 5 weeks ago. Pathology report singular low grade,non-invasive papillary urothelial carcinoma . Urologist pleased after surgery--said VERY superficial and recommended no chemo or further treatment other than periodic scoping (every 3 months). Recovery quick and uneventful.
A week ago, sudden frequent urges--followed by only few cc's of passed urine. After 6 hours of urinating 3/hour- passed blood. Called urologist --while waiting for response, saw my primary. Suggested possible UTI-prescribed antibiotics. Received call for urologist office next day -said they would like to see me immediately--but they said unfortunately--no openings for a week.( Am scheduled to see him tomorrow). They said prob NOT UTI--but did not specify what they thought issue might be
Antibiotics appeared to help after 24 hours. However, after 48 hours--it was clear that they were not helping. The it became VERY painful to urinate last 3 days). Less pain today. My question--what am I probably looking at here? Is this a recurrence (already?)? Is this a premature shedding of the surgical scar (5 weeks post surgery?). Why the significant pain with voiding? Is this a micro bleed?---If so, would they be able to cauterize it in an office visit (not in a surgery suite)?
Thank you for any advice you might have