Hello, sorry if my English won t be perfect but it s not my first language... So here s my story: 4 months ago I went to Berlin for holidays. The hotel I booked revealed to be really dirty, in terrible hygienic conditions. The first day I had sex with an escort at a brothel (protected vaginal sex, received protected oral sex, kissing with tongue). Exactly 24 hours later, after 1 night sleeping at that hotel, I started feeling pruritus in different parts of the body (everything but shoulder, chest, upper abs and back), red bubbles appeared in the itchy zones, and lymphnodes swelled up. The third night, waking up in the middle of the night, I noticed insects walking on me. The fourth day I came back home and my doctor said that the symptoms were caused by insect puncture. 2 weeks later the bubbles disappeared, the lymphnodes came back normal, but many other symptoms showed up: everytime I exposed my skin to sunlight or I had extended heat exposure, the exposed parts started to swell and became red; I started feeling pruritus in my throat and my tonsils swelled, the right one had a white spot for a week then a hole appeared where it was white; I started feeling increased urinary frequency. 21 days after I had sex with the girl, I made a urethral tampon to test for chlamydia, trichomonas, mycoplasma hominis, c. Albicans (my urologist said I didn t need to test for gonorrhea because I didn t have the symptoms), and I made a urine culture. 2 months and a half after the sexual intercourse I tested for HIV, HCV, VDRL, TPHA. Everything resulted negative. My urologist said that my urinary apparatus was healthy; my ENT doctor didn t see anything strange in my throat; my infectious diseases doctor said that even if I tested for HIV 2 and a half months later instead of the usual 3 months, I m now sure I don t have HIV because their test combines the research of antibodies and p24. Now, 4 months later, I still have frequent but not continuous mild urethral discomfort (like it s pinched from the inside, not during urination, it depends on what position I have. I feel it particularly when I m moving or changing position); pruritus in my throat and my eyes (this last is sometimes really strong); frequent inflammations in my palate (they heal theirselves within a couple of days); the skin problem when it gets exposed to heat and sun. I feel sick now and I have headache, a runny nose and caugh but I guess I just caught a cold. I have some questions on this situation: - Can I really be sure I don t have HIV? Do I need to test again? - Have I tested for all STDS and were incubation periods enough to relevate them? - Why do I still have all these discomforts if blood tests say I don t have any infections at the moment? - What infections can a deep kiss transmit and what should I test for? - Is my immune system compromised from all these symptoms I still have? - What infections can insects transmit and what should I test for? Sorry if this question is really long but please I m trying to understand if I could have some serious diseases that need treatment or it s just temporary. Thank you very much