I am a female, 50 years of age. I have been suffering from breathlessness and pain in sternum area, feel sick after eating and have pain between my shoulder blades. I am allergic to sulphates and cannot digest carbs or alcohol. I have had a liver ultrasound which showed my liver was enlarged and it had white marks scattered all over it. I was going to have a biopsy but didn t as they did not want to put a needle in something they couldn t identify. had a further ultrasound where liver was normal size and some of the marks had faded but it seems to come and go. When i have it I am very unwell. Exhausted, difficulty walking (like a temporary arthritis), aching all over and very depressed. The liver function tests are OK. However, I am now on a low carb, no alcohol, no sulphate diet, which is very limited. This has helped enormously but if I am not very strict with my diet them I am once again in pain and very unwell. Elizabeth