Brief answer :
Your mother should go on with the treatment and check
SGOT , SGPT after three months.
Detailed answer:
Thank you for sharing this question in HCM.
First , the medicine against cholesterol are working on well , but she still needs to go on with them.
Second , as every other medicine they have side effects, which have to be under control. These medicine can cause high levels of SGOT, SGPT and CPK.
In the case of your mother , are elevated only SGOT and SGPT but this increase is not significant and may be temporary. In case of an increase of three times higher of the normal range of SGOT and SGPT , then it would be obligatory the interruption of the medication.
For now , she must go on with the treatment against
high cholesterol levels , and have an other check of SGOT, SGPT after 3 months.
She can check the CPK level only in case of
It is important to understand that she needs this medication not only for the high cholesterol levels, but also for her
unstable angina .
Hope this was helpful to you .
Please feel free to contact me , if you need any other clarifications.
Kind regards,
Dr. Juarda