Normal sized retroverted uterus with thin endometrium myoma nodule; T/C posterior wall adenomyoma polycystic appearing left ovary T/C endometrial cyst, right; T/C parovarian cyst, left Cervix: 3.16x3.05 cm Right ovary; 5.92 x 4.76 x 5.32cm, cystic with fine medium level echoes Left ovary: 3.10 x 1.87 x 2.91cm Follicle: 10mm Others: within the posterior wall is a focal mass with ill-defined borders measuring 1.84 x 1.46cm m1-posterior, intramural, 1.14 x 1.43 cm Inferior to the left ovary is a cystic anechoic structure measuring 1.82 x 1.41 cm