Thank you for asking the question.
I am Dr Adil Ramzan
You had upper abdomen pain that was radiating to chest. The first thing that i want to know is your current health status. how are you feeling now? Are you alright?
In your case, the doctor suspected some heart problem, that is why he ordered blood
troponin level. Usually troponin is undetectable in blood, but it's detection in blood may suggest that some cardiac damage has occured. But it may or may not be serious. If troponin level comes negative after 24 hours of pain then it means that major heart problem such as
Myocardial infarction is very unlikely.
Increased troponin levels may also be due to:
1. Fast heart beat
2. Pulmonary hypertension
3. Pulmonary emobus
4. Prolong exercise,
Cardiac and chronic renal diseases.
You should have provided me the reference range of your laboratory because it varies with different laboratories. I would suggest you to stick with the treatment, follow the advice your doctor. Modify your diet, and have a good control of blood pressure and take your medications regularly. You will be fine.
I hope i have helped.
Best wishes.
Dr Adil Ramzan