Thank you for asking
The fecalysis is used to help diagnose the cause of prolonged
diarrhea. It is ordered to determine whether there are parasites present in the lower digestive tract and, if so, to identify them.
Your test result show that you are positive to ova and parasites and that's why you have those symptoms. You don't have pus cells!
Than your doctor can suggest you to make another test to verify which type of parasite is the cause of this diarrhea, vomits and other symptoms in order to get the treatment.
(I don't understand why he hasn't proposed you to do this test in order to identify the parasite because you've resulted positive and then to suggest a treatment depended on the type detected) ???
Typically a person will only have one type of parasite that is causing their symptoms, but there could be more than one. The most common and frequently detected parasites are:Giardia,
Entamoeba histolytica (causes
Cryptosporidium etc.
Please, contact to your doctor again and repeat these tests in order to identify which parasite has caused you these symptoms and maybe he will suggest you a treatment, because even though you have no symptoms now, it doesn't mean that you will not experience them again.
Hope this is helpful to you
Dr. Ermira Biu