Dear madam,
A little
vaginal discharge is normal, especially during mid cycle.For a complete answer, I may need your age, colour of the discharge , presence of itching, history of
diabetes, antibiotic use etc.
If it has an odor or is itchy, or appears yellowish or white (similar to curd), it may indicate an infection. Normal vaginal pH is acidic, and this prevents bacterial infection. The soap which is alkaline and which caused irritation might have caused change in the ph and an imbalance of the naturally occurring bacteria in the vagina and hence bacterial infection resulting in discharge and odour. This usually is a fishy kind of odour. If you are diabetic, a common cause is yeast or
fungal infection, but this is associated with itching,mild at first and severe later.As you say that you are not sexually active, other infections are unlikely.
You could try using a solution to maintain ph of the vagina such as v-Wash for about 10 days.If I saw a patient and felt the discharge was due to infection, I would probably recommend
Betadine pessaries to be inserted deep in the vagina at night for 6 days.
If that doesn't help, you need to see a gynaecologist for proper assessment and medication.