hi, i was just wondering about some weird things that have been happening lately. my nose bleeds a lot, like the other day it bled twice and for a long times on both occasions. it was quite a lot of blood as well. and my gums started bleeding today. i thought it was just cause of my braces, but they arent hurting and its happened twice now. they just on random start bleeding, athough not very much. and also i have been having a lot of pain in some of my joints, like my wrist and my lower rib cage on the right side. but i would like you to know first hand i do have back problems because i am over weight but i have never been to the doctor for them. i am not very athletic. and it hurts a lot of the time even when i am sitting and standing. i would say i am getting old but i am only 15. i am tired almost constantly. i dont go to bed early but i am able to sleep in late, normally. and if i cant sleep in late than i do go to bed earlier. i dont get much sleep though. for some reason i just cant seem to stay asleep for over 6 hours which sometimes feels like enough, but if i go to sleep before 10 then i wake up before 5 almost without fail. also a lot of the time i will wake up exhuasted as if i havent slept yet. maybe its because of stress but today i felt like something was wrong, so i decided to do this after looking online for a bit. please get back to me as soon as possible. i understand if you cant right away, just when you get a second i would love to hear back from you!