Hello and welcome to HCM
There is nothing to worry.
The blood reports suggest
anemia or reduced
Anemia is caused by reduced hemoglobin or reduced red cell mass.
The values indicate low hemoglobin, low
hematocrit, low MCHC and low
These values tell that there is decreased concentration of hemoglobin in the red blood cells.
An increase in RDW is caused by variation in the sizes of red blood cells.
A peripheral blood examination is required to assess the morphology of red bloos cells.
All these investigation will determine the type of anemia and thus treatment of anemia.
An elevated platelet counts is seen in infections, post hemorrhage, post-
splenectomy, and rarely malignancies.
Correlation with other blood findings is required to know the cause of high platelet counts.
Thanks and take care
Dr Shailja P Wahal