Hello, my daughter is 14yrs old and had some kind of infection 8wks ago, her white blood count was up, fevered, headache, sore neck and sleeping 20 hrs a day. Her dr thought sinus infection and put her on antibiotics it took 3 10 day cycles of antibiotics to get her white cell count down but the headache never went away. Took her to hosp. 2 1/2 wks ago and they did a spinal tap measured her pressure and said it was normal but her headache went away. The next day she started having a headache, pain behind eyes and dizziness when ever she is not flat on her back. Took her back to hosp. 2 more times and they just pump full of fluids and send her home. She had a MRI done yesterday but most likely won't hear the results until her next app. Besides the trips to hosp and going to bathroom she has been on bed rest what else can I do.