What does these findings mean? The right kidney is small. The RIGHT kidney measures 7.88 x 3.71 x 3.87cm with a cortical thickness of 0.6cm while the LEFT kidney measures 10.49 x 4.88 x 4.34cm with a cortical thickness of 1.02cm. The central echo complex in both sides is intact with no hydronephrosis. An echogenic focus is noted in the corticomedullary junction of the right mid kidney measuring 0.41cm. No masses seen. BOTH renal cortices are normal in thickness and echogenicity. No suprarenal masses are seen. IMPRESSION: Small right kidney. Consider nephrolithiasis vs. parenchymal calcification, right. Unremarkable ultrasound of the liver, gallblader, pancreas, spleen, left kidney, urinary bladder, uterus and ovaries. Negative for biliary ecstacia.