This is due to sinusitis. Common causes may be allergy,
sinus infection, nasal polyp, rhinitis and deviated
nasal septum.
Levofloxacin 500 mg once daily per oral for 7 days
Fexofenadine 120 mg daily orally for 7 days
3. Stop
promethazine and penicillin
4. Do gargle with slight warm salt water four times daily
5. Do not eat heavily at a time. Eat smaller meals
6. Do not lie down immediately after meal
7. Avoid dust, smoking, alcohol, dry environment and spicy food
8. Consult an ENT (Ear, Nose Throat) specialist for general
If he does not get reliefs then do following investigations:
a. Complete blood count
b. X – ray PNS (paranasal sinus)
I hope this information will help you. I will be happy if you ask another question