I have lower back pain, tingling and pain in neck to buttocks and vagina area, pulling in right and or left side thigh, anemia unable to detect why, peptic ulcer, weak kidneys, fatty liver, gastrointestinal problems, nausea, seborreic dermatitis, swelling of hands and feet’s, diabetes type 2, hair loss, watery and some pain of eyes, mouth sores, itchy, very heavy menstruated which last for more than 7 days, dark and light patches delevoped on face, pus like bumps that scabed over and left marks on buttocks, dark circles under eyes, lips dry and peels, achy knees, sinus problems, chest pains, throat spasms, problems passing stools, cyst wrists, dry mouth, darkening and thicken toe nails and vision problems. I’m thinking this is Spondyloarthropathy and Lupus.