Hi my ENT doctor had me do a CT Scan of my sinuses and found there was a moderate deviation of the septum to the right with 4mm of separation from the lateral nasal structures. Also there was minor mucosal thickening of the ethmoidal air cells bilaterally measuring 3mm. Indication of chronic sinus infections. No bony or soft tissue abnormalities. There is normal aeration of the maxillary any rate bilaterally, the sphenoid sinus, and the frontal sinus with no- opacification or air-fluid levels. There are no air-fluid levels to suggest acute sinusitis. There is no evidence of rhinitis. There are bilateral Haller cells. Impression: No acute sinusitis -Minor Chronic sinusitis involving the ethmoidal air cells -Findings deviation of septum -No evidence of rhinitis. So what do you think my problem is? I ve been dealing with stuffy, runny nose, blood nose, post nasal drip, sore throat, recurring sinus infections, sinus congestion, cough, crusting in nose. Been dealing with this for over 5 months now. I take allegra and Flonase for allergies. I ve tried sinus medicines to try to help my problem but nothing helps. I ve gotten laryngitis cuz of the post nasal drip. Please help. Thank u.