what does all of this mean? The central canal stenosis at the C5-6 and C6 levels. No abnormal cord signal is identified at these levels or at any other levels in the cervical spine. Vertebral body heights are preserved. Anterior spurring is prominent at C5 C6-C7. There is straightening of the cervical spine. The bone marrow signal is normal. Intervertebral disc heights are within normal limits. The cranial cervical junction is normal, without evidence of Chiari malformation. The visualized posterior fossa is unremarkable. The cervical flow-voids are intact. Findings by level: C2/3: The central canal measures 11.7 mm AP. No neural foramen stenosis is seen. C3/4: The central canal measures 10.3 mm AP. No neural foramen stenosis is seen. C4/5: The central canal measures 9.3 mm AP. No neural foramen stenosis is seen. C5/6: The central canal measures 7 mm AP. There is a broad, 1.5 mm disc bulge. The CSF is almost completely effaced. There is bilateral neural foramen narrowing, more narrow than the prior exam. C6/7: The central canal measures 6.5 mm AP. There is a broad, 1.5 mm disc bulge. The CSF is effaced. There is bilateral neural foramen narrowing, similar or slightly worse than the prior exam. C7/T1: The central canal measures 10.5 mm AP. No neural foramen stenosis is seen.