i am 23 years old male. i smoke 1 pack of cigaretes every day.i feel healthy i dont got any headackes or somethink. recently i made a routine check blood test and heres the results i took : UA:7,8 out of 3,5-7,2
GLUC :77 ouf of 74-106
CHOL:188 out of 100-200
LDL:130 out of 60-150
TRIG:86 out of 50-150
UREA: 25 outof 17-43
CREAT: 1,03 out of 0.84 - 1,25
IRON 53 out of 70-180
TIBC : 288 out of 220-460
TBIL: 0,50 out of 0.30-1.20
ALP: 96 out of 30-120
GGT: 22 out of 9-55
SGPT 62 out of : 3-41
SGOT: 116 out of 3-38
LDH 620 out of 208-480
can u please tell me if somethink realy wrong ?