I read your query carefully and I understand your concern.
That report indicates anemia, more precisely
microcytic hypochromic anemia.
The next step is to determine the cause of the anemia, as many conditions can have that blood count presentation like
iron deficiency anemia, thalassemias, chronic disease and inflammation, etc.
By far the most common cause is iron deficiency anemia, probably your case as well, so the first step would be
serum iron studies. If levels are low, so iron deficiency is confirmed, then apart from iron replacement therapy we look for sources of hidden blood loss (gastrointestinal tract, genital tracts etc).
If not iron deficiency then other tests are required for rarer causes, which are chosen based on history and physical exam as well as hereditary factors (for example thalassemia is to be suspected if from a mediterranean country).
I hope to have been of help.