I was recently in the ER. Had all kinds of tests. CT, EEG, ECHOCARDIOGRAM, CHEST X-RAY, Blood work up, EKG You name it. Told me I was fine. Blood work showed otherwise I believe Potassium 3.4 MEQ/L: Anion Gap 6; White Blood Cell Ct 4.08 K/mm3; GFR MDRD 54.4 ML/MIN; GFR CKCRFT GAULT 54.5 ML/MIN; Creatine 1.0 MG/DL: Mean Platelet Volume 8.9; Absolute Lymph 1.4 K/mm3; Total Bilirubin 0.3 MG/DL; ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE 5.7 U/L; ALT/SGPT 14 U/L; AST/SGQT 10 U/L; GLOBULIN 2.2 GM/DL; TL PROTEIN 6.0 GM/DL; RED BLOOD CT 3.95. I BELIEVE I HAVE ADDISON S DISEASE. For over five years now I have these episodes where I end up in the emergency room and they perform all these tests and send me home after two saying possible TIA HELP!!!