Your boyfriend's recent
blood test has revealed that immature
granulocytes is 3 and the immature granulocytes (absolute) is 0.3 . He has history of taking prednisone for pain under his right butt cheek due to most probably inflammed muscle.
A change in the number of granulocytes occurs in response to Infections, inflammation, sepsis, medications like steroids, autoimmune diseases, blood cell cancers. High
white blood cell count indicates inflammation or disease.
Granulocytosis is characterized by high white blood cell count. Immature granulocytes are not fully developed WBC present in peripheral blood after releasing from
bone marrow. Healthy individual doesn't have immature granulocytes present in their peripheral blood. Presence of immature granulocytes in peripheral blood indicates increased bone marrow activation due to inflammation or acute stress.
Similarly,using of steroids also can cause increased number of mature granulocytes as well as increase in the percentage of immature granulocytes in the blood. They will return to normal within four weeks. So, do repeat his blood test after four weeks later.
Take care. Hope you have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Dr.Zubayer Alam, General and Family Physician,