Hello sir, My Brother s blood test report: CBC Test Report is normal. Haemoglobin-14.8gm/dL, ESR-02mm in 1st hr. (Westergren) White blood cell, Red blood cell, Platelet count is normal. SGPT & SGOT is normal. Anti-HCV: Negative Prothrombin Time Test-11.5, Control-11.0 , INR 1.05 Stool test Report: Consistency- soft Colour- Brown Reaction- Acidic O.B.T. - Negative Reducing Substance- Not done Fat Globules- (+) Cysts- Not found Cysts of E.Histolytica- (+) Pus cells- 6-8/HPF Macrophages- (+) Vegetable cells (++) What does these kind of report mean? Please help me. Regards Rezwan