Answers on Lab result stool exam pus and blood cells hpf 2-5/HPF pus cells in stool exam..a stool exam today and the results are that there are no ova/parasites seen, but there are pus cells of 2 ... that there was stoolblocking her intestine. So she was given lactulose, which gave her relief when she pooped ...Ask a Doctor Now » What does this stool report of mine say color: reddish consistency: soft w/ mucoid & blood streak A. Histolytica: + others: pus cells of 10 15/hpf rbc 8 12/hpf ?what is the findings in the ff stool labresults pus cells of 10 15 and rbc 8 12 hi... im 48 yrs ... consistency: soft w/ mucoid &blood streak A. Histolytica: + others: puscells of 10 15/hpf rbc 8 12/hpf ...Ask a Doctor Now » Child has diarrhea. He is teething. His stools are dark green. Lab results include rbc, hpf. Suggestions?stools are dark green, and his stool labresults include: rbc 0-2 hpf; pus cells 4-7hpf; bacteria plenty ...Ask a Doctor Now » What do pus cells 15-20/hpf and rbc 0-3/hpf mean?Good day!My daughter of 9 month old examined her fecalysis. Can you help me interpret the result.Here is the result of her fecalysis exam.Microscopic findings PUSCELLS: 15-20/hpf, RBC: 0-3/ hpf, Ca oxalate ...Ask a Doctor Now » Is pus cells 3-4/hpf, epithelial cells 5-6, fibres: present/hpf shown in stool analysis of infant mean?FAT GLOBULES : Absent MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION STOOL RBC : Absent /hpfPUS CELLS : 3-4 /hpf EPITHELIAL CELLS : 5-6 OVA / FIBRES : Absent VEG. CELLS / FIBRES : Present /hpf ...Ask a Doctor Now » What does Pus Cells 4-5/hpf and RBCs 1-2/hpf in stool test indicate?bowel movements, gas and loose stool. I saw my doctor, he repeated the tests, theblood count looks normal, but the stooltest indicates: Pus Cells 4-5/hpf and RBCs 1-2/hpf. The rest is NIL (Ova/Trop, Cyst