Hi doctor, i have PCOS problem and i am planning for pregnancy, right now i am using APCOD and simultaneously planning for children and recently i had follicular study after menses which states that
Retroverted. Uterus measures 5.7 x 3.0 x 3.7 cm, Normal size and shows multiple nobothian cysts seen in cervix. Endometrial echo thickness is measures 4.9mm.
Ovaries: Right ovary: 3.4 x 2.1 x 2.0 cm (Volume 8cc)
Left ovary: 3.6 x 2.4 x 1.6 cm (Volume 7cc)
Multiple small follicles seen in both ovaries.
No evidence of free fluid noted in pouch of douglas.
10 th day Right ovary follicle : 11 x 7 mm , Left ovary follicle 11 x 6 mm and Endometrial 4.9 mm
12 th day Right ovary follicle : 11 x 7 mm, Left ovary follicle 11 x 6 mm and Endometrial 5.4 mm
I request you to please suggest as doctor suggested to take injection.
Is there any development in my folicullar study. I request you to please suggest to conceive.
Thanks you and waiting for you reply