Hello! I am a relatively healthy 75 year old retired nurse , currently taking 5mgm rosuvastatin three times a week. I took myself off lipitor which I had tolerated well for many years- maybe 7 years. Then I started having very bad muscle pain and could hardly stand on my legs in the am. I also got a new physician because my primary care md messed up my dosage of Synthroid and when I consulted a specialist from Johns Hopkins while visiting my daughter, he helped me with my Synthroid dosage and told me to find a new md and get a regular endocrinologist near my home. I did get a new primary care md who wanted me to retry a statin. I tried the lipitor again but all the muscle pain came back after a month or so . So now I am on the rosuvastatin. I read that it sometimes causes diabetes and that concerns me. My blood glucose for many years and for sure the last 10 years has been well under 100. But I just had my lipid profile and other blood work come back and I am seeing a blood glucose of 100. I know that is right on the line and I do not wish to get diabetes. Is it reversible if I do get it and subsequently stop the drug? The statin is helping my cholesterol but not my triglyceride level. My doctor feels I may be like my Dad who always had high cholesterol and was very careful with his diet. He was told that it may have been part of his genetic makeup. Maybe mine too? When can people safely discontinue a statin? I have heard that after 80 years, it becomes less important. However my Mom had two tia s and my Dad triple bypass heart surgery. They lived to the ripe old ages of 99 and 91 respectively! Also, I have read that hypothyroidism which I have, in itself, causes people to show high cholesterol levels which is what the statins are supposed to treat? What are your opinions. Sorry to be so long winded! My email is YYYY@YYYY