Hello dear
Understand your concern
First compare your
semen analysis with normal semen analysis.
Color: greyish white_________________normal
Appereance: viscous to gel type___________normal
Liquifaction time: 20-30 minutes__________25 __normal
Total Sperm count:40-300 million________42 million__normal
Active motile sperm : 50% motile at one hour after ejaculation__80% means excellent sperm motility
Pus cell: up to 5 ____________4-6____normal/high normal
RBC: nil_________________________________normal
So your semen report is completely normal. As your total sperm toward lower side but you have excellent motility so I think you can become father.
Just rule out the infections by doing semen culture as your sperm is just at higher side.
I give you following advice:
Diet: High protein diet, diet high in zinc like lamb, wheat, meat, eggs, cottage cheese etc. and green leafy vegetables
High anti oxidant items: fresh fruits, dry fruits like almonds, tablet Co Q.
multivitamin tablet like
Do regular exercise like walking and
yoga daily in the morning for 45-60 minutes. Avoid
stress. Dink plenty of water 2-3 liters per day.
Hope this may help you
Best regards
Dr. Sagar