Hello dear
I understand your concern
Compare your
semen analysis with normal semen analysis:
Color: greyish white_______________grey wihte_____normal
Ejaculate volume: 2 to 6 mL ____________3____Normal
Liquifaction time: 20-30 minutes__________35 min __slight increased
pH: >7.2________________________8.4________normal
Sperm concentration:20-150 million/ml___3 million/ml______very low
Total motility: >40 %_____________28____very low
Pus cell: up to 5 ____________7-8____may be due to infection
Morphology: > 4%_________________30%____normal
You have
low sperm count and motility and might be infection in
urinary tract and defect in the accessory sexual gland.
I would suggest to consult the
urologist and undergo color doppler of the pelvis, semen culture to rule out the causes.
Hope this may help you
Contact HCM for further health query
Best regards
Dr. Sagar