Thanks for posting in HCM.
The following things can be inferred from the
semen analysis report you have posted:
1. Semen volume of 0.5ml is about 50% less than normal.
2. Colour, Viscosity and reaction is normal.
3. Total Count of 66 million per ml is normal but more towards the lower side of the range.
Sperm motility is very bad with only 5% actively motile and 90% being dead.
Epithelial cells and pus cells are normal and does not indicate presence of infection.
It might be little difficult to improve your sperm count and motility. However, you can take medications containing L-carnitine, CoQ10,
Alpha Lipoic acid, Vitamin E, Selenium and Zinc, which would provide essential nourishment for sperm production, for a month and repeat the test to know for the improvement. Kindly
consult Urologist or Infertility specialist in this regard for appropriate management.
Hope the information provided would be helpful.
All the best.