Hi Doc, Please help Im confused. I had my first day of my last period last February 26, 2016 then last May 15, i had my first ultrasound which was a transvaginal ultrasound with my perinatologist and its says: LMP: February 26, 2016 EDD (LMP): December 2, 2016 EDD (Average US GA) December 17, 2016 AVERAGE US GA: 9w1d GA (LMP): 11w2d AOG: 11w2d EDC: December 2, 2016 EDD by Ultrasound: December 17, 2016 But when i went for my first visit to my obgyne and gave her the tranvaginal ultrasound result, she asked me if im sure of the first day of my last period, i said yes because it has been my habbit ever since even the day we had intimate moments with hubby. I marked my calendars in my mobile and our room. She says there s a gap. Please enlightened me, need your expert opinion. Thanks in advance. I had typo error and put an incorrect email.