i would just like some advice as some things the doctor here in turkey where i live has told me somethings i dont understand, i took clear blue test said i was 2-3 weeks, this may have been to the love levels of HCG i have, when i went for my first check up she did a scan and couldnt see anything so sent me for bloods and confirmed i am pregnant but i have low HCg levels and progestrone levels, doing an internal unltrasound she could see the sac and said i was 5 weeks pregnant from the measurements as the sac was 15mm but as i had low levels i was at high risk of misscarriage, ive been prescribed progestan 200mg and since i have had another day of bleeding which has now stopped, i have an appointment on tuesday for a check up to see if the sac had grown and the doctor said if it hasnt grown she wants to do a D&C as it wont have grown for a full week, but the ultrasound she did last was very unclear so i feel that she may not have measured correctly what my concern is she said 15mm is normal for 5 weeks but when i have spoke to a uk doctor they said that size would place me at 6 weeks not 5 and that they should wait 2 weeks not 1 for growth, im stressing and need some help?