can EPis bethmasome or any cortisone type drug for disc pain, as it is excreting one s body, cause diverticulitis? Never had dx of gastro problems, 3 days later ,sent to the ED , Dx diverticulitis... fast forward 7 months, 2 wks ago EPi T8T9...i am having (ultrasound in am) hepatic function panel ..waiting for results, but i am darn sure I am having a Gull bladder attack. PAINFUL ,shows up at 2;00-3;00 am now 6 days.. pain 8-10 for 3-6 hours..... do you have a suggestion where i can locate how these meds are metabolized,?excreted and their half life...i need the pathway other than whats on the drug info sheet .... Have you encountered this before or read would this be considered a side effect ? or a contradication? thank you it is very frustrating