Hi, im a 23 year old female. I had a medical abortion four weeks ago. Before that, i had been having itchiness around the vulva. I took Mifeprestone and got watery discharge that was burning and literally burnt my skin. 48 hours after that i took the four misoprostol pills with some ibuprofen and had cramping, with nausea and a bit of diarrhoe. There was bleeding which stopped completely after a week. I then had some itchyness and i took fluconazole, the itching stopped. After some time though i started experiencing cramping and i started on a dose of metronidazole 400 mg tablets. I visited my gyna two days after, got an ultrasound and there were no abnormalities detected. I was prescribed mefenemic acid and instructed to continue with the flagyl for the full dosage. I then experienced pain on my left side about three weeks after the abortion which i thought was ovulation. However, i went for a swim at the beach four days ago which was four weeks after abortion and have been experiencing cramping and intermittent lower abdominal pains since two days ago. My discharge is watery with a lotiony texture and white in color. I do not think that it is foul smelling. And there is no itching.What would be your advice on this?