sir, i am 28yrs old female, married since 1yr , with regular menstural cycles. Had spontaneous abortion (at 5 weeks) 9 months back. since last 3 months i am having irregular menstural cycles. TVS done on 04/06/2015 , ie, on 13th day from LMP (LMP 23/05/2015) shows Right Haemorrhagic Cyst of size 3.4 x 2.7cm. endometrial thickness 10.8mm, Rt ovary multiple follicles with largest of size 12.4 x 10.3mm. Lt ovary few follicles with largest of size 13.6 x 10.3mm. No fluids in POD. Now again i got my periods on 13/06/2015. consulted a gynaecologist, adviced to take tab.Femilon for 21 days and do USG on Day-2 of next periods. sir , when i ll be able to conceive kindly give your valuable opinion & advice thank you sheela