I was suffering from pain in lower abdomen and groin region which was radiating till back from 1 week,frequent urination from 3-4 days,fatigue, feeling of unwell ...so my blood reports suggest Hb-14.5 gm% which is slightly higher,WBC :12,200, neutrophil:72% impression is neutrophilic leucocytosis..I have an appointment with Dr after two days..and m running out of breath, knife like pain in my joints..pain in joints or shoulder blades always happens in gap of week or two..I always use to have pain killer by myself and feel relieved...but now this pain is increasing...now I am worried is there any possibility that I might be suffering from any kind of leukaemia???? I am 26 yes old female,got diagnosed with hypertension at the age of 21 yrs, right now on losar H, having history of liver abscess @ of 5 yrs..pls do advice..is there any possibility of any kind of leukaemia?