Thanks for contacting with your health concern
1. As there was a history of penetrating abdominal trauma and now you are hemodynamically stable [9 months have passed], thus following should be your approach:
i. At present, it might be a 'gastrointestinal' symptoms [
celiac disease thus you should contact either a
general surgeon, gastroenterologist or Gynecologist and if not sure consult your GP who after reviewing your case history and physical examination will refer you to specialist concerned.
PS. The most common diagnoses of lower
abdominal pain relate to uterine, gonadal, renal, and bladder complications, [less common causes like primary dermatologic and musculoskeletal problems as well as
referred pain and neuropathies related to underlying vertebral and spinal cord complications can also occur], so examination is mandatory for further workup and management.
2. since the pain is unexplainable and accompanied by few associated symptoms thus it is wise to check with your doctor since persistent or chronic pain should be examined to rule out any serious underlying causes.
PS. A doctor can diagnose the cause of the pain and develop a treatment plan that will address the underlying cause of lower left abdominal pain.