Thanks for contacting with your health concern
1. As I'm unable to examine you directly and because symptoms are acute in origin, thus I'm of the following opinion:
. At present all I can say is that it might be a 'gastrointestinal' symptom thus you should contact a
general surgeon [to exclude appendicitis],
PS. The most common diagnoses of lower
abdominal pain relate to uterine, gonadal, renal, and bladder complications, [less common causes like primary dermatologic and musculoskeletal problems as well as
referred pain and neuropathies related to underlying vertebral and spinal cord complications can also occur], so examination is mandatory for further workup and management.
In Females, consult a Gynecologist for any underlying pathologies like
endometriosis, uterine fibroids or
pelvic inflammatory disease [PID]
2. If after pelvic examination the doctor suspects an underlying condition, she may order further investigations like MRI, CT, hysteroscopy, laparoscopy since surgery may be needed to remove the abnormal tissue [if any].