I am having pain under the bottom of my rib cage on the right side. It starts just under my sternum and down under my last rib to my right side. sometimes it feels like the pain goes deep to my back, and is hard to distinguish exactly where the pain is. It is tender when pressing under my sternum and down under my last rib. Certain movement like twisting to the left while raising or reaching with my right arm, coughing, laughing and sneezing cause increase in pain. I first noticed this pain on Saturday, Sept. 16, 20017. I do have fibromyalgia but have never had pain in this area before. I also have a very large cyst on my right ovary and was wondering if this could be related. I am in the process of setting up surgery for the cyst. I have been doing alot of sit-ups in the last month, both center and side to side; but would think the pain would be on both sides if related to this exercise. With less movement and activity, I feel less intense pain, but the pain does not seem to be going away. What is your advice? Should I see my primary physician or another type of doctor? If yes, how soon.