I agree with your doctor, that if all his blood, urine and Xray reports are normal, it is unlikely that he still has any active infection anywhere in the body.
Generally, in children, a
fever of less than 100 deg F recorded occasionally is taken as normal i.e. requiring no real cause for concern.
However, mild fever which persists throughout the day or especially in the evenings and night time requires investigation. There are few conditions like
tuberculosis and
lymphoma which need to be ruled out. Since your child's blood work is normal, and I assume he does not have any swellings anywhere over his body, we can rule out lymphoma. Tuberculosis can be ruled out by Xray or by a special immunological
blood test called Gene Xpert. You can consult your paediatrician regarding the same.
Other causes of mild fever which are physiological i.e. as a reaction of the body to the day-to-day activities are after exertion, mild
dehydration as per my observation on
sleep deprivation. If your child's temperature is recorded during any of these conditions, you can be assured that it is normal.
You can continue the
liver and vitamin tonic as prescribed by the paediatrician. It needs to be taken for about 3-4 weeks to replenish the body stores which were depleted during the active illness.
Hope I have answered your query. Wishing your child a quick recovery.
Dr Geeta