I am 64, I will be 65 next month. 3 or 4 days ago I was coughing and felt a pop in my neck/throat area. It hurt when it happened, but does not bother me to much now. Sometimes when swollowing, but mostly when I cough. Is this cause for concern, like should I worry and go to a doctor, or is it justs a pulled throat musel that will pass and get better. My son is concered that it could be a broken tendon or something, because he ripped his tendon off of his bicep and the doctor told him he only had 7 days to reatach it or there was nothing that could have been done. And he would have eventually lost all use of his arm if he had not gotten the surgury to reattach it. So, again, he is worried that maybe it could be serious and that time might be of the esance. Like I could lose my voice or eating could get more diffucult or even my breathing. Please give me some good news, so I can tell my son to stop worrying.