If you have terrible nausea and
vomiting along with these
headaches, ringing in the ears or in one ear (seemingly) along with noticeable
hearing loss on one side of the head then, you may very well be suffering from MENIERE'S Disease. Please see an otologist for proper dientification and treatment of this condition.
If on the other hand you have terrible
migraine like headaches that are debilitating with some of the symptoms I've mentioned but WITHOUT the hearing loss component then, you may have something commonly referred to as
MIGRAINOUS VERTIGO or VERTIGINOUS MIGRAINE headaches. For this condition you should see a
neurologist or even better yet, a HEADACHE SPECIALIST. The 3rd and LEAST LIKELY possibility is a viral infection of the
inner ear which we call LABRYNTHITIS. This is probably the most commonly forwarded differential diagnosis with this description of symptoms, however, viral labrynthitis is nothing that is easily proven nor are the symptoms quite as egregious as you've mentioned and so that is the reason I'm swayed away this otherwise, good hydration, tincture of time, and taking it a bit easy without too much movement is usually sufficient to cool this entity's jets over the period of about 7-10 days.
I hope this answers your query. I remain at your disposal in case further medical assistance is needed. There's not a whole lot of data even that this thing is actually caused by a virus...but we like to say it so...we do! HA!
Wish you the best of health.
Thank you.
Dr. Dariush Saghafi, Neurologist