Hello Sir, I am 28 years (Height 5.6, Weight:72 K.g) Newly marrried guy and below are the particulars of my erm test report. Please have a look into this and interpret the results to me.. I am concerned whether I normal or do I need to consult a doctor for a baby. Volume: 2.0 ml Viscosity: Normal, PH: Alkaline, Sperm Count: 30 million/ml, Progressive Motility: 30% Sluggish Motility: 20% Non Motile: 50% Epithelial Cells: NIL, RBC: Nil, Morphology Normal: 75% Abnormal: 25%, WBs: Occasional, Apperance: Turbid, Liquification time:30, I am waiting for a quick reply. Thanks in advance for your support.